This is an online book in progress. You are welcome to examine the completed chapters listed below and come back for more as the book progresses. I estimate about one chapter per month including the technical modifications necessary to make this online work appealing to the surfing eye. All other chapters either remain absent or are in progress and not recommended reading. The vertical menu on the left side of this and any other of the book's webpages will navigate you to the following completed chapters:
- The Post-War Setting (A Probable Past)
- Passive Resistance (A Probable Past)
There are three kinds of colored text that are of interest including footnoted bookmarks and two kinds of splash panels.
Text that changes color when you pass your cursor over it must be clicked in order to activate it. Colored text written in italics is activated by merely passing your cursor over it. In general, colored text with standard font must be clicked in order for the splash panel to appear. In some cases, however, colored text with standard font can be activated both by clicking on and rolling over the text with your cursor; each action results in a different kind of splash panel.
After you have accessed a footnote, you may return to the text by clicking on the imperial crest to the left of the footnote.
When the book is completed this introductory page will be replaced with a formal introduction and the entire book will be submitted for hard-copy publication. I hope to see you back often until then.
Roddy A. Stegemann
p.s. Although a greatly belated notification, work on this online version of the book has been indefinitely abandoned pending my now unlikely return to Japan. If you are still interested in the book's overriding message you are invited to read the entire first draft at Imagine - The rudiments of a book about Japanese society. This website — the one you are currently on — was meant to be an additionally researched embellishment of the first draft. (Monday, 13 January 2024)